
Become a member

Give and take. The Swiss Bike Park is an attraction unlike any other in Switzerland and beyond. As a member of the Member Club you actively help to further develop the Swiss Bike Park Oberried. In addition, you will be integrated into a widespread network, whose members you can get to know at numerous attractive events.

The membership is valid from registration and is automatically renewed at the end of the year for another year, but can be cancelled at any time at the end of the year. The Swiss Bike Park Member Club is open to private individuals and companies.

Depending on the category, you will benefit from different offers, events and discounts:


Diamond member

This membership can also be purchased as a company.

Annual membership fee: CHF 5000.-


Platinum member

This membership can also be purchased as a company.

Annual membership fee: CHF 2000.-


Active member

The active membership is personal and non-transferable.

Annual membership fee: CHF 250.-


Active member family

Active Membership Family is aimed at parents with at least 1 child.

Annual membership fee: CHF 500.-


Thanks to our donators, the Swiss Bike Park is alive! Be it as a supporter in the form of a shady tree, a rock or a paving stone for the new future Swiss Bike Park building. As a patron you contribute a great added value in the implementation of the society project.

A heartfelt thank you to our existing donators:




The fact that the Swiss Bike Park is a good project is shown by the renowned partners from business, society, sports and tourism who actively support our project at various levels. Likewise, the cooperation with universities, universities of applied sciences, the ETH, the Swiss Cycling Association and various companies specializing in business innovation brings scientific application-oriented project support and assistance in many key areas.


Presenting Partner

External Page: swisscom_horizontal_cmyk_solid_black.svg
External Page: bkw_logo_sw.svg
External Page: mobiliar_logo_sw.svg
External Page: securitas_logo_sw.svg
External Page: oekk_cmyk_solid_black.svg


External Page: thoemus_logo_sw.svg
External Page: huawei_logo_sw_quer.svg


External Page: das_team_logo_sw_quer.svg
External Page: kuratle_logo_sw_quer.svg
External Page: datasport_logo_sw_quer.svg
External Page: planzer_logo_sw_quer.svg
External Page: freudeherrscht_logo_sw_quer.svg
External Page: scott_logo_sw.svg
External Page: gvb_logo_sw_quer.svg
External Page: twerenbold_logo_sw.svg
External Page: bwt_200x75.svg
External Page: logo_beekeeper.svg

Institutional supporters

External Page: nasak_logo_sw.svg
External Page: innotour_logo_sw.svg
External Page: swisscycling_kids-academy_logo_sw.svg
External Page: burgergemeindebern_logo_sw.svg
External Page: loterie_romande_logo_sw.svg
External Page: sss_d_sw.svg
External Page: fuss_velo_koeniz_logo_sw2.svg
External Page: sportsacademy_logo_sw.svg
External Page: swisslos_logo_sw2.svg
External Page: koeniz_logo_sw.svg
External Page: swisscycling_logo_sw.svg
External Page: swiss_snowsport_logo_sw2.svg

Inclusion partners

External Page: cerebral_logo_sw.svg
External Page: iggh_logo_sw.svg
External Page: haefner_logo_sw.svg
External Page: paraplegiker_logo_sw.svg
External Page: marti_logo_sw.svg
External Page: plussport_logo_sw.svg
External Page: ortho_team_logo_sw.svg
External Page: ernstgoehner_logo_sw.svg
External Page: uswf.jpg


External Page: avesco_logo_sw.svg
External Page: input_logo_sw.svg
External Page: logo_w-d_service_schwarz.svg
External Page: cmsbox_logo_sw.svg
External Page: qturn_logo_sw.svg
External Page: publibike_logo_sw.svg
External Page: creaholic_logo_sw.svg
External Page: triebhaus_logo_sw.svg
External Page: flyingmetal_logo_sw.svg
External Page: velosolutiona_logo_sw.svg

Supplier Building

External Page: alias_logo_sw.svg
External Page: franke_logo_sw.svg
External Page: kuratle_logo_sw.svg
External Page: gim.svg
External Page: assa_abloy_logo_sw.svg
External Page: geberit_logo_sw.svg
External Page: regent_logo_sw.svg
External Page: electrolux_logo_sw.svg
External Page: gilgen_logo_sw.svg
External Page: securitas_logo_sw.svg
External Page: forbo_logo_sw.svg
External Page: hager_logo_sw.svg
External Page: frutiger_logo_sw.svg

Tourism partners

External Page: adelboden_logo_sw.svg
External Page: bikeregion_voralpen_logo_sw.svg
External Page: gantrisch_logo_sw.svg
External Page: bern_logo_sw.svg
External Page: arosa_logo_sw.svg
External Page: davos_logo_sw.svg
External Page: gstaad_logo_sw.svg
External Page: bebike_logo_sw.svg
External Page: disentis_logo_sw.svg
External Page: interlaken_logo_sw.svg
External Page: bern_2_logo_sw.svg
External Page: fribourg_logo_sw.svg
External Page: jungfrau_logo_sw.svg

Patronage Committee


Aebischer Matthias,
Nationalrat / Präs. Pro Velo

Aeschlimann Marcel,

CEO Creaholic

Anderegg Roland,

Amstutz Adrian,


Bechir André,

CEO abc Production AG

Böckmann Frank,
CEO DT Swiss

Bruderer Pascale,
Alt Nationalratspräsidentin

Caluori Claudio,

Dal Bosco Mauro,
B-Sports AG

Domenig Gaudenz,
VRP HC Davos

Flückiger Lukas,
ehem. Vizeweltmeister MTB

Flückiger Mathias,
MTB Gesamtweltcupsieger
MTB Vize-Olympiasieger

Flückiger Ruedi,
ehem. Präsident Naturpark Gantrisch

Furrer Lorenz,
Managing Partner furrerhugi

Gerber Annalisa,
Geschäftsleitungsmitglied Swiss-Ski

Gillmann Jacky,
VR Bricks Immobilien

Grossen Jürg,

Gygi Ulrich,
ehem. VRP SBB

Haesler Jacques,
Senior Proj. Man. CSEM SA

Keller Alessandra,
Weltmeisterin MTB

Lehmann Urs,
Präs. Swiss-Ski

Linder Stefan,
Initiator Swiss Economic Forum

Loeb Nicole,
Delegierte des VR Loeb Holding

Loosli Hansueli,
ehemaliger VRP Coop &
VRP Swisscom

Louis-Dreyfus Margarita,
Geschäftsleiterin Louis Dreyfus Group

Luginbühl Bendicht,
Geschäftsleiter Repaper AG

Luginbühl Werner,
Alt Ständerat

Lüthi André,
VRP Globetrotter Group

Maier Christine,

Markwalder Christa,

Marthaler Peter,

Marvulli Franco,
6-facher Weltmeister Bahn

Merz Richard,
CEO Shimano Schweiz

Moser Jörg,
VRP Moser & Partner AG

Näf Ralph,
Teambesitzer & Weltmeister MTB

Peter Thomas,
CEO Swiss Cycling

Pfisterer Markus,
Swiss Sport Integrity

Ribar Monika,

Rohr Lukas,
Lehrbeauftragter BFH

Sauser Christoph,
Weltmeister MTB

Schmid Rolf,
ehem. CEO Mammut-Gruppe

Schneider-Ammann Johann,
Alt Bundesrat

Schwab Stefan,
Gründer Linoa Holding AG

Schwaller Ursula,
mehrfache Radweltmeisterin

Shimano Yozo,
Präsident SHIMANO Japan

Stahl Jürg,
Präsident Swiss Olympic

Stirnemann Kathrin,
Weltmeisterin MTB

Stöckli Hans,

Sutter Philipp,
VRP Zühlke Gruppe

Triadis Vasilios,
Geschäftsführer P&I

Utnegaard Per,
Verwaltungsrat Sulzer

von Weissenfluh Franziska,
ehem. VRP Bern EXPO

Weibel Benedikt,
ehem. CEO SBB

Wietlisbach Urs,
Mitgründer Partners Group & Präsident Sporthilfe

Wüthrich-Hasenböhler Roger,

Leiter Deeptech Nation Switzerland Swisscom

Zaugg Beat,
Präsident Scott International

Zwahlen Hans Ulrich,
Unternehmer und Initiant Gantrisch Biking