Pump Track

The approximately one meter wide asphalt "bike trail" is equipped with waves and other elements such as steep wall curves or jumps. The goal is to complete the course without pedaling and only by shifting weight or pumping. In a playful way and adapted to the age, the joy of cycling is awakened and dexterity and balance are improved.

A Pump Track can be ridden with any kind of bike. From mountain bikes to BMX's to skateboards, a Pump Track is a playground for all rolling equipment. With a combination of gentle jumps and curves, the Pump Track is accessible to everyone. The facility is built to keep riders challenged even as their skills expand.

Interactive Map






295 m

"The fastest athletes in the world have already raced here - at the first Red Bull UCI Pump Track World Championships 2019. But beware: Pump Track is much more than racing, it's cycling promotion on a grand scale. This is where you learn to get a grip on your bike!"

Claudio Caluori, track builder